
Friday, October 29, 2021

how to build my fort in minecraft

 How to build my fort

Today we are going to be talking about how to make my fort

Step:1 go to minecraft

Step:2 get the blocks listed down below

Step:3 get your stripped oak wood and build up 5 blocks high

Step:4 Then go straight 6 blocks do not build in those 5 blocks but once you are 6 blocks away then build up 5 blocks again then repeat into a square.

Step:5 get your oak logs and place them in the 5 blocks missed do 2 layers all around leave a gap for the door.

Step:6 get your oak wood planks and place them one layer above the oak logs all around the build.

Step:7 Get your oak slabs and place them above the oak planks. Now place your oak planks above the slabs making a gap between them now we have done the first story.

Step:8 Now place the slabs on the corners of the build then surround the top of the build with stairs 2 layers of them now make a slab roof now place 3 oak planks high one the corners of the build.

Step:9 Now connect the oak poles with slabs now go inside build a ladder inside up to the roof then decorate however you want


Stripped oak log


Oak wood planks

Oak wood slabs

Oak wood stairs

Oak door

Oak log

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