
Friday, March 26, 2021

we had to edit one of are old pieces of writing and I chose my Valhalla research which you can see the newly uploaded Valhalla research if you scroll down on my blog and these is what I did

here is the old non edited Valhalla all good right that's were your wrong it needs a hole lot of editing

 Daily price is 300$ no matter what if you brig 1000 or 1 person it will still 300$ here is what there is at Valhalla there is a lake there is a playground there is a beach there is 3 Mountains and a huge lake that you can fish at there is a bush that you can go on a walk at there is to fields a wood shed to fire places a mini school 7 bedrooms 3 shows one bath 4 toilets and it has 8 fridges and a kitchen and a dishwasher to ovens the washing machine and the outside is huge

And 5 canoes you can bring your dogs and the house is huge to 4 couches and 4 tables

here is the finished Valhalla research the red words are the changes and the red words with these - in it means that I deleted it. this is the finished product 


Daily price is 300$ no matter what if you bring 1000 people or 1 person it will still be 300$ here is what there is at valhalla. There is a lake, there is a playground, there is a beach there is 3 Mountains and a huge lake that you can go fishing at. There is a bush that you can go on a walk a-t there is t-o 2 fildes a wood shed t-o 2 fireplaces and a mini school. 7 bedrooms 3 shows o-n-e 1 bath 4 toilets and it has 8 fridges and a kitchen.when you go in there is -a- dish-wash-er t-o 2 ovens the washing machine and the outside is huge. A-nd- 5 can-oes and you can bring your dogs and the house is huge too. It has 4 couches and 4 tables


Thursday, March 25, 2021

yeet that foot button

 Yeeting people

Eating the word yeet

Eat my dust

Telling people yeet

Footing people

Our foot looks cool

Our foot is interesting

Telling people foot

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Blake the big change

we had to write about some change that we have had and what we wold change and this is my writing

Change that has happened in my life. Moving from drury to tuakau. Change that has happened in my school. Changing from Junior to middle to senior. Change that has happened in my class. Changing class every year and teachers also having to change class when it hit half year. Change you would like for you in the future. Big money and no change. Things you would change if you were class president.

Bigger school pool  rugby league allowed and bigger field and everyone gets a phone that they can play one if there bored

Friday, March 19, 2021

space photos

we had a slide show that had photos of space and this is my opinion for the photos 

1.this meteor is not going fast enough so when it gets to the earth's atmosphere it will break or disconnect great.

2.a astronaut has gone into space and his rocket ship broke when it reached space and now he is lost in space.

3.there are 12 galaxies all bunched up together.

4.the asteroid belt forms a ring around the planet Neptune which most people think is just part of the pant but it is an asteroid belt.

5.there are to aliens standing  in Area 51

6.a window that has the view of the earth and the sun.

7.just one single galaxy and from a view it looks amazing and so cool.

Monday, March 1, 2021

my garden poem

This is my garden poem

giant ferns all over the property cutey grass getting really annoying

Just trimmed grass super small daisies and all

Tiny trees really cool

And last of all a palm tree hanging over the fines

By Blake